
Strašín is located about 15 km southeast of Sušice and 9 km northeast of the Kašperské Hory in the district of Klatovy at an altitude of 650 m
Bukovník is a small village with an interesting history.
The first written mention of the village of Čimoice dates from 1357.
The first reports of settlement date from 1045.
The first written report about the village of Dražovice dates from 1356.
The first written document about the family (Protiwa de Fridburg) dates from 1349.
Family tomb of the Lamberk family.
The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Nezamyslice is a dominant building, visible from afar.
The former morgue is now a museum.
The village Nezdice na Šumavě is situated in the southwestern part of the Klatovy at an altitude of 620 meters above sea level.
The castle in Záluží, today functioning as an accommodation facility.
Picturesque village in the Šumava foothills.
The first written mention is from 1045 in the donation deed of Břetislav I to the Břevnov Monastery.
A three-kilometer walking circuit around the Soběšické grove in a wonderful forest environment on the very edge of the Lamber estate, where the nobility organized spectacular hunts.
Soběšice lies under the mountain Bitovín, where one of the battles of the Thirty Years' War took place.
Studánka is also called Strašínský důlek.
The cave is located northwest of Strašín, on the right side of the road leading from Strašín to Sušice, at the foot of Na Palových Hill.
The private Pidipivovárek u Pujiče is located in the small village of Lazny in Pošumaví.
The pilgrimage and parish church is the dominant feature of the village of Strašín.
The castle in Žichovice was built at the beginning of the 17th century on the site of an older Gothic fortress.
A village that you cannot miss not only when sailing around Ottawa.
The early Baroque castle was created by rebuilding a Renaissance fortress in 1688.
Information center in the castle building in Žihobce.
One of the oldest villages in Pošumaví. The first mentions date from 1045.