Klatovy-Luby Běšinsko - Walking path and cycle path along the Drnové potok and through Bartolomej to BěšinLength 13 km. The tip is intended for pedestrians, with minor changes it can also be recommended for cyclists.Bolešiny - educational trailsTwo educational trails pass through the surroundings of Bolešin "Wandering around Bolešin I. and II.BolešinyThe first written mention of Bolešine is from 1524.Klatovy - Baroque White Unicorn’s ApothecaryIt has been one most preserved apothecaries with a Baroque interior in the whole Europe.Klatovy - Black Tower and Town and HallDuring the years 1547 – 1559 a new town – hall was built up at the top of the main square, with a high, slim tower made of dark.Klatovy - Catacombs under Jesuit ChurchSubterranean crypt concealed under the Jesuit church was established during the church construction in the early 1770sKlatovy - Former Dominican Cloister and St. Vincent ChurchDominican friars settled near the town walls as soon as in the 13th centuryKlatovy - Glass PavilionThe exhibits represent the very best of world glass production.Klatovy - Jesuit Church of Virgin MaryJesuit Church of Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception and of St. Ignatius often labelled as the Baroque art germ of southwest Bohemia originated in the second half of the 17th and in the 18th centuries as part of the Klatovy Jesuit college.Klatovy - TajanovTajanov is a local part of the city of Klatovy.Klatovy - White TowerThe so-called White Tower built in 1581.Klatovy – MuseumVisitors can find a permanent exhibition on history of the Klatovy regionKlatovy – Renaissance Burgher HousesThey were silent witnesses of the economic expansion period, the most important one in this royal town’s history.Klatovy - Town WallsTwo belts of town walls made of stones were erected around Klatovy in order to protect the medieval town.Týnec - castleThe dominant feature of Týnec is the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Baroque castle.Týnec - LoretaLoreta is a settlement among forests on a hill above Klatov.TýnecThe first written report about Týnec dates from 1227.VrhavečThe village is a suitable destination for cyclists.