
The town of Kdyně was built under the Rýzmberk castle near the old trade path leading through the Všeruby Pass to Bavaria.
The town of Kdyně was founded in the under-castle of Rýzmberka Castle by the old trade route leading to Bavaria through the Všerub Pass.
Lookout tower Koráb 773 m a.s.l. and chalet Koráb, restaurant.
The museum was opened on 4th May 2007 and is situated in a former building of the spinning mill.
The castle Rýzmberk was fouded probably in 1250 by Děpolt Drslavic.
The Church of St. Nicholas forms the panorama of the town and its onion shaped dome with a gilded cross shows the way to the sanctuary, which originated in the 2nd half of the 14th century.
A ruin of the castle Nový Herštýn is situated on a forested hill near Kdyně.