Kdyně Kdyně - TownThe town of Kdyně was built under the Rýzmberk castle near the old trade path leading through the Všeruby Pass to Bavaria.KdyněThe town of Kdyně was founded in the under-castle of Rýzmberka Castle by the old trade route leading to Bavaria through the Všerub Pass.Kdyně - Koráb - Lookout towerLookout tower Koráb 773 m a.s.l. and chalet Koráb, restaurant.Kdyně - MuseumThe museum was opened on 4th May 2007 and is situated in a former building of the spinning mill.Kdyně - RýzmberkThe castle Rýzmberk was fouded probably in 1250 by Děpolt Drslavic.Kdyně - the Church of St. NicholasThe Church of St. Nicholas forms the panorama of the town and its onion shaped dome with a gilded cross shows the way to the sanctuary, which originated in the 2nd half of the 14th century.Němčice - Nový HerštýnA ruin of the castle Nový Herštýn is situated on a forested hill near Kdyně.