
 The original name Cíhaná was derived from the word "lurching" - a place where game was awaited.

At the end of the 15th century, the village belonged to the estate of Plánicko-Zelenohorské, a family of lords from Štemberk. In 1552, the village of Czihan was registered in the land records. In 1601 Zdislav sold them to Jindřich Vintíř from Vlčkovice. He connected it to Brod, Vlčkovice and Kolinc. Anna Vinitířová from Chudenice became the next owner of the village in 1615. In a few years, Čihan fell to Vilé Albrecht of Kolowrat Krakovských, who added it to the extensive Týnecko-Běšinské manor. It also belonged to it until 1849. It was bound by the bonds of serfdom, robots, but also by the judicial and political authority of the castle in Týnec.

In 1775, only 26 residential buildings were built in Číhan. The next major expansion of the village did not occur until after 1839. At that time, the most houses were built in the village. In 1885, a new road was built from Číhané to Kolinka. In 1889, a fire department was founded in the village. Its activity continues today. In 1893, a two-class school was also opened. In these years, stonework and granite mining were carried out on a large scale in Číhan. The stone was used for road construction and for construction in cities. Many men from Číhané and the surrounding villages found a living here.

The village has three parts Číhaň, Nový Dvůr and Plánička. The Bradlava river originates on the territory of the village, which later becomes the Úslava. Settlement took place from the 16th century.

A statue of St. stands on the village square. John of Nepomuck from 1720 and the belfry

The memorial tree is a 200-year-old small-leaved linden. This small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata) grows in yard No. 40 in the center of the village. It reaches a height of about 30 m and a trunk volume of around 450 cm.

Two chapels are also historical objects - on the Bukovák hill and in the settlement of Plánička.

Source: website of the municipality www.cihan.cz 
