Dolany - Svrčovec - fortress
The first mention of the village of Svrčovec is in a record from 1334, in which Mr. Púta from Svrčovce is mentioned as the owner. The village is located 4 km northwest of the town of Klatovy in the valley of the Úhlava River at an altitude of 400 m above sea level. The Komošín Castle standing on the hill of Komošín near Dolan is remembered as the first residence of the lord from Svrčovce. It was abandoned by the inhabitants only in the second half of the 15th century, when the lords of Svrčov built a comfortable massive fortress in the immediate vicinity of the village. The family of lords from Svrčovec also owned Svrčovec Castle.
The first mention of the fortress in Svrčovec dates back to 1510. The fortress in Svrčovec is a very interesting building and there are only a few of its kind in Bohemia. It is a circular fortress with a perimeter fence. A large circular courtyard surrounds the fortress buildings. Behind the back wall of the fortress was a moat that no longer exists today. The lords of Svrčovce sold the fortress, and after that the object often changed hands. After 1805, when the fortress was bought by the Černín family from Chudenice from the Jesuits of Klatovsk, when the building was converted into a brewery. Subsequently, a manual wool spinning mill was established in it, and later the building was divided into 7 descriptive numbers and began to be used for residential purposes, for which it is still used today.
In 1875, a chapel was built in the village in honor of St. Anne, in the place where the wooden belfry was originally. Near this bell tower stood a statue of St. Anne, which was subsequently placed as an altar in the newly built chapel. It was consecrated by vicar Alois Matoušovský from Dolan.
The first mention of the fortress in Svrčovec dates back to 1510. The fortress in Svrčovec is a very interesting building and there are only a few of its kind in Bohemia. It is a circular fortress with a perimeter fence. A large circular courtyard surrounds the fortress buildings. Behind the back wall of the fortress was a moat that no longer exists today. The lords of Svrčovce sold the fortress, and after that the object often changed hands. After 1805, when the fortress was bought by the Černín family from Chudenice from the Jesuits of Klatovsk, when the building was converted into a brewery. Subsequently, a manual wool spinning mill was established in it, and later the building was divided into 7 descriptive numbers and began to be used for residential purposes, for which it is still used today.
In 1875, a chapel was built in the village in honor of St. Anne, in the place where the wooden belfry was originally. Near this bell tower stood a statue of St. Anne, which was subsequently placed as an altar in the newly built chapel. It was consecrated by vicar Alois Matoušovský from Dolan.